Pyramid Electrical Contractors, Inc.

(618) 632-1180

Photo Gallery

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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - Science Complex

New Science Complex at SIUE New Science Complex at SIUE New Science Complex at SIUE New Science Complex at SIUE New Science Complex at SIUE
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - Evergreen Hall

Evergreen Hall at SIUE Evergreen Hall at SIUE

McKendree University - Electric Car Charger


McKendree University - Dorm and Dining Hall

New Residence Hall East at McKendree University New Residence Hall East at McKendree University Ames Dining Hall at McKendree University Ames Dining Hall at McKendree University

Lindenwood University

Lindenwood University Lindenwood University Lindenwood University

Simmons Law Firm


St. Francis Hospital


Belleville Memorial Hospital


National Great Rivers


National Personnel Records Center


Bowman Pump Station






Martin Luther King Bridge 

Thrivent Financial